Software BPI

 ”Bending Points Indicator” – „BPI” is san authorial expansion, prepared by 3D System® company, for CorelDraw software. “BPI” allows to generate bending points and placing them on “3D-Profiles” with a use of measure. Proposed method replaces traditional manual measure with measuring tape. Usage of software, proposed by 3D System® company, substantially shortens time of building letters, and eliminates mistakes in measuring forms done by unexperienced persons. 3D System® company hereby submits sign makers relatively cheap tool supporting building spatial forms.
        Main advantage of “Bending points Indicator” is a cost calculator option, which instantly creates price estimate of a project. Functions of cost calculator allow to calculate usage of given materials, with an indication of quantity and prices of materials, LED modules, power supplies, glue, etc. Cost calculator is a solution dedicated to people organizing and managing production.
        Module, allowing to place orders online for printing of bending points free of charge on “3D-Profiles” within realized order, is a novelty in “BPI”. Marking the band shortens time of production of spatial form, and totally eliminates mistakes in measures.
        Software is available for different versions of CorelDraw and Windows software. Details about installation requirements can be found on website.
        “Bending Points Indicator” application has a test version with a license allowing to use it free of charge for 30 days.

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