LetterClear Glue

Klej LetterClear dwuskładnikowy klej konstrukcyjny do budowy liter przestrzennych.

NEW – transparent glue for large letters

      LetterClear NEW glue is a first transparent structural glue, two-component based on methacrylate. Glue bonds “3D-Profiles” with front of letters. LetterClear glue is used to build letters and spatial signs up to 200cm height. Glue is packed in 230ml cartridges (capacity of two components together). 

One package of glue allows to apply 18m of a joint during single usage. LetterClear is applied with a use of special manual dozing gun- MIXPAC C 10:1, and is applied using mixing nozzle similarly as with MetalPlex glue. Time of bonding is ca. 20 minutes. Time of usage of glue after mixing is ca. 6-9 minutes. Optimal temperature of usage is ca. 15-21˚C.

Klej LetterClear - do liter przestrzennych
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